About: Lenny Scovel

Articles written by Lenny Scovel:

Day 346

Let us move through this day with a good and proper sense of who we are.  May we be filled with confidence and humility.  May we understand our worth is inherent, not entitlement.  We can only be compassionate if we first understand ourselves, and live into our own humanity.  So let us set appropriate boundaries,… read more

Day 345

In anticipation of goodness, wholeness, and togetherness, we are grateful.  We shall know them just as we recognize a friend we’ve never met.  We shall be giddy as if it were our first crush.  We shall rest completely in utter assurance of our security.  They are here, just around that corner, just down that street,… read more

Day 344

Let us juxtapose ‘For it shall come to pass’ and ‘all things must pass.’  The former looks forward in anticipation of hopeful events, the latter often connotates relief from unpleasantness.  We are funny creatures in our desire for the good and our dread of the bad, when it fact they are both really the same,… read more

Day 343

For calm and measured presence, navigating the storms of life, we give thanks.  Blessed Be, and Amen.… read more

Day 342

Today is a good day for redemption.  Not because we are mired in sin or degradation, but because we do not always live up to our full potential; we are not always our best selves.  Redemption does not imply some sort of ultimate salvation: it means we will re-engage with the social covenant to respect… read more

Day 341

Let us be open to vulnerability.  We avoid being vulnerable, as it feels dangerous to us.  And yet we cannot selectively close our hearts to shame, fear, and uncertainty without also closing it to love, joy, and hope.  Life is an all-in stakes game – play, or leave the table.  May we choose to play… read more

Day 340

May today bring us new dreams, new aspirations, and new hope.  May it also bring the knowledge that our hopes are attainable in one form or another.  Let us not be disappointed if we do not recognize that our dreams have taken on a new form, fulfilled in some unexpected way.  Let us seek our… read more

Day 339

Salvation: you keep using that word – I do not think it means what you think it means. We speak of salvation as if we are being ‘saved,’ but the root is to ‘salve,’ to soothe, to comfort. Let us seek salvation in this lifetime. Let us work to salve a world that is inflamed… read more

Day 338

For abundance and generosity we give thanks.  Truly we receive when we give – there is no expectation of reward, other than the knowledge that we have done right by each other.  May we keep this fundamental truth at the front of our hearts.  Blessed Be, and Amen.… read more

Day 337

For warmth and comfort, for friends and for each other we give thanks.  May we remember to be kind and generous in return.  Blessed Be, and Amen.… read more