
Day 326

And now we begin, as we are wont to do.  We begin rest; we begin healing; we begin to find ourselves anew.  What will tomorrow bring?  What will we learn today?  May our perspectives be wide, may our revelations be divine, and may our hearts be ever open.  We are each other’s blessing – let… read more

Day 325

For the joy of creation and pure imagination!  For the joy of connecting with others!  For the joy of giving delight!  For the joy of being present!  For the joy of sharing the moment!  For the joy of involvement!  For the joy of receiving!  Joy, joy, joy in abundance!  May we never conserve this precious… read more

Day 324

Simply, thanks for all that is our lives.  May we find comfort in our ills, guidance in our troubles, and love in our loneliness.  Let us live into the presence of each other.  Blessed Be, and Amen.  … read more

Day 323

May today’s enterprises be filled with delight!  May we seek to connect deeply with everyone we encounter.  Whatever the task, may we perform it with enthusiasm, skill, and reverence.  What we do and how we do matters – our actions are universal force which we yield.  We have a responsibility to use that force as… read more

Day 322

For adventure, opportunity, imagination and wonderment we give thanks!   May our days be imbued with them.  They give us hope, they remind us to be present, and when we live into them, we leave the world more sparkling and magnificent in our wake.  So let us bring our inner-child to our outer-selves and greet… read more

Day 321

May we move into wellness and recovery, in all its many forms.  May we find reserves of which we did not know.  May we be resilient, resplendent, and robust.  Even in our weakest, most frail moments may we know the path beyond.  Let us be grateful for the infinite power within us.  Blessed Be, and… read more

Day 320

For all that we take for granted, great and small, we are grateful.  Our absent mindedness is not complicity – it is that we are programmed to want that which we have not.  May our prayer-practice re-condition us to appreciate the greatest miracle of all: that we are here.  Everything else is gravy, which is… read more

Day 319

Zen prayer: may we Be so that we may not be; may we walk far enough to arrive where we are; may we speak and say nothing; may we begin at the end and end at the beginning; may we empty our hearts so that they will be full of love.  For tranquil thought in… read more

Day 318

Each of us is a story.  Yes, we have our stories; they are elements of the narrative that is our lives.  And in our living, we each become a story in the great work of All, of Everything and Foreverness.  Each day holds the possibility of new adventure, although most will be simple exposition, merely moving the… read more

Day 317

We are grateful for the cosmic harmony surrounding us – May we each take up our part, adding warmth and depth to the glorious melody!  Sing with gratitude.  Blessed Be, and Amen.  … read more