A country picnic wedding

It was a beautiful summer solstice day in Loveland, as we gathered at Osborn Farm for the wedding of Kristen & Ammon.  The sun was high and brilliant, and it promised to be a hot day, but luckily our ceremony was scheduled for the morning.  I arrived early, just to be sure everything was ready to go, which it was.  I enjoyed watching photographer Molly McGannon as she staged the most creative and whimsical shots of the couple and the wedding party!  The theme was a vintage (1950’s) country picnic, and the venue couldn’t have suited it better.  With many fun props around, Molly was able to capture the spirit of the day, and the personality of this quirky, unique couple.

I busied myself by helping DJ extraordinaire Kevin Cornell as he set up the sound system.  He was very professional, yet totally laid-back and fun to work with, helping to make for a very relaxed atmosphere.  Kevin – I hope we work together again!

The wedding was inadvertently delayed when an out-of-town relative, who’d flown in for the wedding, found themselves stranded at the hotel.  A car was dispatched, and we were underway in no time.

Kristen and Ammon were very specific in their vision for the wedding, and everyone fell into the vibe quite willingly.  A lovely moment with the parents at the beginning, as they were asked to affirm their children’s choices in life partner, and a charge to the gathered community to support the couple set a very inclusive tone.  Paul Epson, a friend of the couple, beautifully shared a reading by Robert Fulghum – thank you, Paul!  And the vows the couple wrote for each other were perfect and sweet!

I am blessed to have the opportunity to do this work, and meet couples as special as Kristen and Ammon.  Mazel Tov, you two!

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