Day 74

We are born into being and are instantly part of a family. For most we receive what we need from our families, but not always. As we grow, we begin to find we have another, chosen family. People around us, who recognize who we are, with all our imperfections and our shortcomings. They love us in spite of ourselves. We share wine and wisdom, tears and triumphs. We work together, play together, suffer together, and pray together. May we be blessed with an abundance of love and support, from our families of origin, and from our families of choice. May we, in turn, be the rock in another’s life, steadfast, constant, strong and yielding. And may we always recognize that we are all kin, all of the same tribe: our surname is Humanity. For all our brothers and sisters we rejoice! Blessed Be, and Amen.67074_10151384548044807_331617447_n

One Response to “Day 74”

  1. pmacott

    This is beautiful. I am going to use this one for sure – especially going to save it for dear friends of mine, about whom I am anxiously waiting to hear the news of the arrival of their son into this world.


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